Sunday, May 24, 2009

Tiana's Home

On October 6, 2008 I had a header in my blog titled, "Tiana's Gone." Now I am so happy to write that Tiana's back home again, nearly 8 months later. Tonight she will sleep in her own bed, use a flushing toilet and be able to wash up using warm water. She will be able wear a watch again and nobody will collect her shoes before bedtime. In losing so much structure, she will be gaining freedom and independence and the ability to make choices. All of us are optimistic.

Yesterday was mostly about a long, hot drive through Eastern Oregon and Washington. We left Bend at about 11, headed north on 97 and rolled into Cle Elum at a little before 6pm. We got Tiana some good driving time, and she did well and has probably already forgotten about the accident on Saturday. We had dinner at El Caporal and played cards until about 10. We all went to bed early.

This morning Tiana was up by 830 and Savi shortly thereafter. A quick breakfast and we were out the door, with Tiana getting her first real freeway driving ever. Traffic was heavy until almost Easton, then broke up and was fine the rest of the way. We rolled onto 73rd and I must admit I got a little teary eyed as our good old house came into view, as did Tiana. She was very excited as we stopped the car and she saw the sign I had put on the front porch.

We'll all sleep better tonight....

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:36 PM

    What a beautiful picture, thanks for the update.
